

• How do your products represent social groups or   issues?   . The way that my short film Lucky represents social groups and issues as the film plays out is that it displays a certain audience which is that of young individuals and it mainly deals with the issue of stal king . The film follows a young adult named Gabriela who is lured out by a stalker who stole her friend’s phone and is pretending to be her. In the modern society that we live in, individu als heavily depend on technology which can serve as a gateway for stalking. This issue can be relatable for any audie nce member, especially the young adult viewers as they are commonly the main targets when it comes to the issue of stalking therefore leading to my representation o f the social group of young adults for my short film . This adds realism to the short film due to that e ven though it is a fictional scenario, there is truth behind it as stalking is a huge issue in modern day society...

Short Film Package: Lucky

   Website:   Postcard:   Short Film:                       Welcome back to my blog reader! I enjoyed making the website, postcard, and short film. I hope that you can enjoy my thriller short film "Lucky" as much as I enjoyed making it. Well, until next time reader!

Time for the Last Review Session

                        Welcome back to my blog reader! After making the changes suggested by my close friends Jada and Jasmine, I completed the editing for the film and decided that it is time for a second review as the improvements have been made. Further, there was the audio quality change made to the scene where the protagonist Gabriela interacts with a stranger as she asks where the event is located . As I had mentioned before, due to background noise and wind, the audio quality was not the best therefore I had requested my actresses to do a voiceover for the scene. When review time came around, Jasmine and Jada were not fully satisfied with the voiceover as it made the scene lack realism. This led me on another path to find a more improved solution. I found a feature that enhances the audio quality of videos within the application that I was using to edit the short film which was CapCut . This feature gave the r...