Planning for my L'Oréal Paris lipstick commercial

Welcome to my blog reader! Props: Because my group decided to produce a L'Oréal Paris commercial, our main prop is L'Oréal lipstick. Other props we will include are a mirror, a makeup bag, and other makeup products whose names will not be featured. Costumes: In our commercial, we will have two actors as the subjects. Our actors would wear everyday indoor house clothes . The child would wear youthful clothing such as a t-shirt with animations on it. The older actress would wear something simple like jeans and a blouse, as the goal of the commercial is to make the setting as relatable as possible for families. Schedule: On 9/23/22, our group researched conventions and codes of L'Oréal and general makeup commercials. On 9/29/22, our group established the props. costumes, location list, backup plan, and schedule. On 10/3/22, our group will create the storyboard for the 30 second commercial. On 10/11/22. Ou...