Time to Challenge Myself


                            Welcome back to my blog reader! As you know dear reader, when I was in AS level media studies, I worked with a wonderful group that taught me communication and collaboration skills which I highly value and hold dear now as an A level media studies student. Moving forward from that experience to now, I have decided that this time and for this project I am going to challenge myself further and I'm going to work by myself in order to see how far I can go and push myself for the better. Now that you know that my group consists of only myself, I would like to talk to you, reader of mine, about my experience of filming and editing as well as what I wish to improve this time around. In my previous projects, editing and filming are skills that I have been exposed to more and more as time went on due to those experiences. By giving myself this opportunity to work on a project by myself, it can serve as a way of showing me how far my previous projects have gotten me and how did they polish my skills. A way to truly see how from not knowing much about filming and large-scale editing projects to having to communicate and collaborate with other individuals to bring our ideas to life as a whole, to now working by myself in order to really be able to demonstrate what I have taken away from this wonderful experience of ups and downs. Further, I am extremely excited to be starting to work on this project due to that I feel that it can most definitely build and polish my skills even more and can provide me with more knowledge therefore highlighting its educational value. Moreover, I am aware that this is going to be a much more difficult experience than when working in a group and I am aware that I might struggle from time to time. However, I am honestly up for the challenge as it will provide me with more room to grow and improve as well as providing me with a brand-new experience and with an opportunity to put my skills to the test. Well this is my cue to leave, till next time reader! 

. Facing the obstacles of working by myself with excitement!


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