Genre Decision for Film

Welcome back to my blog reader ! I have come on to this blog to inform you dear reader that after doing the genre r esearch which allowed me to take a look at the common camera angels, movement, shots, sound, editing, Mis-En-Scene , examples as well as learning which elements I did and did not find appealing about the genres of horror, thriller, and dystopian. After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that the genre of thriller is that one that I believe will best suit my film. The reason as to why I choose th e specific genre of thriller is beca use I found it to be the most suitable for pitch as my film deals with a young adult who wins a riffle ticket but does not yet know what that will cost her therefore leading me to be in dire need of a genre that conveys suspense and mystery as well as uneasiness that lea ds the audienc e to go through feelings of anxiety, fe...