It is Time to Review
Welcome back to my blog reader! Now that I have filmed and edited my short film named “Lucky,” it is time to show it to some individuals in order to get a second opinion from someone that it is not involve in the project as a way gain different perspective and see it through a different lens which will aid me in finding the mistakes and little details that I might have missed which will provide me with an opportunity to fix them therefore enhancing the project. I have requested two of my close friends Jada and Jasmine who were available to watch my short film and let me know what are some of the areas are that require attention. First, both of them agreed with the fact that the opening scene has two different takes and that it is noticeable therefore suggested that I would try to find another way to paste the scene together in order to not disrupt the continuity and flow of the scene. Later, they commented that they truly enjoyed the arc shot from where Gabriela is standing in confusion at the mall while she was speaking on the phone with Nancy after she had encountered the stranger therefore adding this build up concern and confusion up which is shown through the arc shot. Further, they commented on the voiceover that I made for the interaction between the protagonist Gabriela and the stranger. They stated that it was not bad, but it wasn’t good either, which is something that I agreed with as I had mentioned before that I was not pleased with how my solution for the audio quality turned out. They said to try to come up with another solution as it only needs a little bit more fixing to get the results that I want. Moreover, they mentioned that they enjoyed my voiceover of Nancy as they stated that it fitted well within the film. Their only negative for my voiceover was that possibly I could add another effect that will make my voice sound even more as it was coming from the phone. Further, they liked the zooms for the door but told me to make it more dramatic and shocking. Overall, they stated that they enjoyed the short film and that I should take those little details into consideration, which I will. This means that it is time to go back to the editing room. Well this is my cue to leave, until next time reader!
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