Welcome back to my blog reader! The day that we all had been waiting for has finally arrived, and which day is that you may ask? The day that we are going to film is at our s econd location, which is the abandoned Ocean Walk Mall. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the filming at the mall as I was not able to get anyone to take me to the location. My parents were working, my cousins as well, and my team members Kyra and H ailey were not able to give me a ride. This was unfortunate as I was extremely excited to film the mall scenes, however I communicated with my group through text messages and facetime in order to provide any aid I could even if I was not there physically. My team members messaged me when they were in the car on their way to the mall and said that they took much longer than expected to get there because of traffic as it was a day o ff from school due to a holiday. When they were final...